The Approximate Cook


What is this site for?

A little while ago, my wife had to leave to visit family – and took  her excellent cooking skills with her. She was (is) able to make great food and introduce me to new things. Unfortunately, I have no patience for the kind of cooking that she does, which involves precise measurement and multiple steps in the preparation of a dish. I hunt around and dump things together that I think will taste good.

Along the way, I was able to find some combinations that work well. In addition to tasting good, they are not overly damaging to the heart, liver, and gut and – here’s the important part – they don’t require any precise measurement. Just mix things together until they look right. I present here my creations which have worked for me.
Instructions are limited, because, well, that’s the point of this. I only present relative measures, such as “a little”, “a lot”, “a whole lot”, “not much”. I also identify brand-name items and I really don’t know if the recipe will work with any other (generic) item.
A short time ago I stopped eating (most) dairy products. Nothing against them – actually love cheese, ice cream, butter, whipped cream… – but they seem to dislike me. These recipes, and I use the term loosely, minimize the use of dairy. As a result, if you use kosher meat, virtually everything here will be acceptable for kosher meals.

Unbelievably, a couple of months ago I decided to reduce my gluten intake as well as my dairy! Reduce, like reduce to nothing. Don’t get me wrong – I love bread. And pastry, and just about anything with wheat. However, after getting serious about my health and reading the extensive literature on the subject, I decided to try it. So, the recipes here – and I use the term loosely – will also be gluten-free. Just in case you’re worrying, these recipes are NOT sugar-free and NOT fat-free. Perhaps they should be, but I draw the line somewhere. If you want to lose weight, it’s up to you to find the right balance of protein, carbohydrate, and fat.

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