Congregation Beth Shalom Music

Welcome to the Jewish Music Information Center!

This is the comprehensive access point for Jewish music information.

Sound files (in mp3 format)
Shabbat Home Rituals
Songs and blessings for the Shabbat table
Childrens Songs
Childrens songs, including songs for consecration
Wedding Songs
Wedding Songs, vocal and piano
Contemporary Prayer Songs
Contemporary Songs, vocal and piano
Pesach Seder Congs
Pesach Seder Songs for use with the Haggadah
Steppin Out Showtunes
Pesach Seder Songs for use with the Haggadah
Cantor's Concert
Cantor's Concert Recording of February 10, 2008
Song Samples (in mp3 format)
Numerous Songs
Shabbat shacharit Amidah sample
A typical repetition of the Shabbat shacharit Amidah (following the Kedusha). There are 4 tunes used, including the melody of "Cuando el Rey Nimrod", Carlebach's V'Shamru, and an original "V'lo N'tato"
Weekday shacharit - Avot and Kedusha
A sample of morning davening, generally faster and less participatory
Rob Menes clip
A medley of Jewish songs sung (and accompanied) by Hazzan Menes
Ani Maamin by Israel Alter
Performance piece of modern hazzanut
Hashkiveinu by Steve Dropkin
One version of Hashkiveinu, appropriate for a Friday evening service with instruments
Hashkiveinu by Brodsky/Zweiback of Mah Tovu
Another version of Hashkiveinu, appropriate for a Friday evening service, more upbeat. All instruments are played by Hazzan Menes (piano, percussion, electric bass)
Mah Tovu
Traditional Mah Tovu, but sung as a round, with accompaniment
Af Pei Ozen
Children's song.