Sound files (in mp3 format) | |
Shabbat Home Rituals
| Songs and blessings for the Shabbat table |
Childrens Songs
| Childrens songs, including songs for consecration |
Wedding Songs
| Wedding Songs, vocal and piano |
Contemporary Prayer Songs
| Contemporary Songs, vocal and piano |
Pesach Seder Congs
| Pesach Seder Songs for use with the Haggadah |
Steppin Out Showtunes
| Pesach Seder Songs for use with the Haggadah |
Cantor's Concert
| Cantor's Concert Recording of February 10, 2008 |
Song Samples (in mp3 format) | |
Numerous Songs
Shabbat shacharit Amidah sample
| A typical repetition of the Shabbat shacharit Amidah (following the Kedusha). There are 4 tunes used, including the melody of "Cuando el Rey Nimrod", Carlebach's V'Shamru, and an original "V'lo N'tato" |
Weekday shacharit - Avot and Kedusha
| A sample of morning davening, generally faster and less participatory |
Rob Menes clip
| A medley of Jewish songs sung (and accompanied) by Hazzan Menes |
Ani Maamin by Israel Alter
| Performance piece of modern hazzanut |
Hashkiveinu by Steve Dropkin
| One version of Hashkiveinu, appropriate for a Friday evening service with instruments |
Hashkiveinu by Brodsky/Zweiback of Mah Tovu
| Another version of Hashkiveinu, appropriate for a Friday evening service, more upbeat. All instruments are played by Hazzan Menes (piano, percussion, electric bass) |
Mah Tovu
| Traditional Mah Tovu, but sung as a round, with accompaniment |
Af Pei Ozen
| Children's song. |